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Bliss is like a breeze.
As long as you have your hands open, you can feel it flow.
Once you try to possess it, it moves away from you!
To read another quote, click here.

Life Bliss Foundation is a part of a worldwide movement for meditation and healing.  The advent of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on planet earth is to spread the inner science of enlightenment by delivering physical health, mental wellness and spiritual awakening for all beings irrespective of their race, gender or nationality. To achieve this, Nithyananda Mission aims to initiate 100 million people into the unique meditation Nithya Dhyaan and one hundred thousand people to 'living enlightenment'.

Nithyananda, the founder, says "Enlightenment flowers when individual consciousness merges into universal consciousness. It is an experience beyond mind, and out of it ecstasy and energy are born." The meditation and spiritual  programs help one to tap into this energy and experience eternal bliss.




Nov 05 and 06

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Inner Awakening program - 21 days with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

INNER AWAKENING & eN-Genius 2011 program dates

Nov 21 to Dec 11

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Inner Awakening program - 21 days with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Guaranteed Solutions
The book for Life Bliss! Simple, Humorous, powerful and practical wisdom of Enlightened Master Nithyananda. Includes 7 transformational meditation techniques.

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Levitating Yogi
Yogiraj Maharishi Raghupati Yogi was Nithyananda's teacher, and a Master of Yoga who expressed many miraculous powers, like levitation.

Life Bliss Meditation
is the direct way to connect with the State of Eternal Bliss, Nithya Ananda. Daily practice of this meditation is like having a refreshing shower from the inside out.   Buy CD now...

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Meditation Workshops
are intense programs based on the integrated science of body, mind and spirit. A step inwards could catapult you to discover amazing possibilities.

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