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Lend a Hand
Nithyanandaji says "Do service for the joy that it gives! Selfless service even if done at least half-an-hour a day will infuse enormous power in your being. The transformation will then automatically happen inside you."
Thousands of Ananda Sevaks (blissful volunteers) offer service for self transformation and benefit to society. By giving their time and energy, they carry forth the foundation's mission of peace, love, bliss and harmony.
The organization is 100% volunteer based. We need Voluntary help throught the year worldwide. Regardless of your skills, or the time you may have to contribute, your help is greatly appreciated.
Would you like to lend a helping hand? Spread the bliss around? Want to know where or how you can contribute?
The Volunteer Application Form outlines the various volunteer opportunities available with the foundation.
Please send us an email to [email protected] or to sign up for a volunteer opportunity you can fill up the application form and mail it to -
Life Bliss Foundation, 928 Huntington Drive, Duarte, CA 91010.
Let us devote at least a few hours each week to selfless
service and express gratitude for the skills and talents that have been bestowed
on us...