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World Peace through Collective Positivity

Life Bliss Foundation

"The universe responds to the state of your being. Believing that the universe is just matter is what causes conflict. If we believe that the universe is Intelligent Energy, that is compassionate and that it responds to us, then peace prevails" says Nithyanandaji.

Cosmic energy responds to us. Recent researches have created awareness of the impact of thoughts and words on the earth and our personal health . Human body is over 85% water. Human mind body system is affected by thoughts and words that come from thoughts. Our thoughts shape our decisions; our decisions shape our actions; our actions shape our life.

Existence or Cosmos is made up of five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Through Idol worship, bathing in sacred water, chanting mantras, performing fire rituals, we try to connect with these 5 elements.

Our Rishis in India had found these truth thousands of years ago, and hence millions of people and Saints chant mantras in front of the rivers to create a positive vibrations and perform fire rituals. The water hence becomes holy due to the high positivity.

USA Kumbha Mela - The Confluence for World Peace

The USA Kumbha Mela is a festival based on the Eastern philosophy that collective positive thinking and celebration can bring about global peace by transformation of the individual. Rather than waiting for a reason to celebrate, if we 'start' living with a festive mood, every moment gets transformed into peace, positivity and confidence.

The first ever Kumbha Mela in the United States was celebrated on September 10, 2006 at Bren Center, UC Irvine to usher in peace by infusing collective positivity. The Mela will highlight the rich tradition iof festivity which is an inherent part of our Vedic culture.

With more than 50 Spiritual Masters and their organizations, ashrams and temples participating in the festivities the Mela will infuse tremedous positivity to the entire globe and contribute in small measure to World Peace.

For more information, please visit http://www.USAKumbhaMela.net.

Sapta Yaaham - An offering for Collective Positivity.

Sapta Yaaham is a yajna that was conducted by Nithyanandaji Himself in Tamilnadu, India to cleanse collective negativity and purify the ozone layer. The yajna was performed as a deep and intense meditation and not just an offering, and infused awareness of the scientific basis of a yajna and its offerings. Nithyanandaji said "Any yajna when performed in the proper way, harnesses the Cosmic energy through the mantras that are chanted and transfers the energy to the water that is stored in pots for this purpose, which in turn is used to energise the place and people." Read more

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