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LBP Level 4 (Bhakti Spurana program)

The Flowering of Devotion

LBP Level 1 (Life Bliss Program) or Health & Wellness Meditation Program (HWP)

Bhakti and its need…

Over passing years, the mind has taken over the being. Humanity has fallen victim to the futility of the intellect. The emotional being suffers under the power of the intellect. As long as the being is not allowed to express itself, man will experience a deep and unexplainable void within.

Bhakti or devotion is the language of the being. It is supreme love towards Existence or God. It is love for love’s sake. It takes you to the inner chambers of the Lord, where reason dare not enter. It frees you from lust, ego, mine-ness, hatred, jealousy and greed, bringing equanimity of the mind and deep fulfillment. It fulfills all your wants and takes you beyond them.

Bhakti or devotion to the Lord can be nurtured through one of five relationships with Him:

The most common relationship is the daasa bhava - that of a servant and Master; another is the sakha bhava - of a friend; or the vaatsalya bhava - love of a mother for her child, or maatru bhava - love of the child for its mother, or madhura bhava - that of a beloved.

But a culmination of these paths and something more, is bhakti to the Guru – Guru bhakti!

Enlightened Masters or Gurus are living Gods on planet Earth. They can be a mother who gives you birth anew, a child who draws you to the marvels of the world, a master who dares you to see within, a friend who relates and reveals, a beloved into whom you can dissolve - to merge with Existence itself! The Guru is an exotic invitation to experience the Divine.

In the path of bhakti, are great icons called the Nayanars – ancient Tamil Saints and poets. These great saints broke away from the ritual-oriented religion and established the path of devotion to salvation.

Many have attained enlightenment through the ways of bhakti. Meerabai, one of the foremost lady mystics of India, born a Rajput princess, and lost in divine love for Lord Krishna, is one such. The music she created out of her intense love lives on till date. It is believed that she was finally absorbed into the very icon of Lord Krishna at the temple of Dwaraka in North India.

The Bhakti Spurana Program is offered as an intense 2 day program that unfolds the path of bhakti to the modern man. It brings to life, the ecstatic lives of great masters who attained through it. It unravels the Guru-disciple relationship in its entire splendor. It offers an updated understanding to the path of surrender and devotion. It steers you from intellect to the being, from mundane worship to sheer intimacy - with the Divine.

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