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Nithya Yoga - Yoga for Life Bliss

Why Nithya Yoga?

Nithya Yoga prepares the body, prepares the mind to enter into the experience of enlightenment and stay into the experience of enlightenment. Entering is not difficult. To have a satori, a glimpse of the no-mind state, to have an experience of un-clutching, is not difficult at all. But to stay in that consciousness, and especially to express that energy through your body, requires that your body and mind be prepared. Staying in that same space, that consciousness, and expressing it needs preparation.

The Master says, "A great Master of Yoga that I studied under as a child until age 13, Raghupati Yogi, used to express the real truths of Patanjali in a beautiful way. Only a Master who has experienced the consciousness of Patanjali, can bring Patanjali back to life. Books or the Yoga Sutras have only recorded the verbal language of Patanjali, but not the body language. The real subtle truths and secrets that Patanjali wanted to convey are missing. If you simply recorded my verbal message, "Be Unclutched!" and conveyed it to a generation after 200 years it might lead to interpretations such as "Paramahamsa Nithyananda always spoke about being unclutched; this must mean that we should stop driving cars which use a clutch!". Such misunderstandings are bound to arise after many centuries! "

Paramahamsa Nithyananda introduces an updated system of yoga - Nithya Yoga, Yoga for Eternity. He is bringing to you all the real truths of Yoga as revealed by Patanjali, not from his verbal language but from his body language, his Being. That can be expressed by only a Master who has experienced that same inner space or consciousness of Patanjali. The purpose of experiencing Yoga according to Patanjali's inner space is to experience the bliss and start expressing bliss, and just exploding in the inner space!

Nithya Yoga is the most ancient, yet modern and updated system as Patanjali had originally taught. The whole purpose is enlightenment, and not simply physical health. Our body-mind system is not capable of staying in that high state of ecstasy, but through Nithya Yoga the Master is training seekers not only to experience bliss but to stabilize the experience in them and radiate it in their lives. The purpose of Nithya Yoga is to help people to unclutch and experience eternal bliss. Physical health and mental well being will be merely side-effects! Nithya Yoga prepares our body and mind to experience, to be one with and radiate inner bliss, eternal bliss, Nithyananda!

'Nithya Yoga is a continuous process. It is a uniting of body/mind/spirit. It is not a union.'

'You must understand the Sanskrit word 'Yoga' itself to really understand yoga. Only then can you connect with the yoga concept. Yoga means ‘uniting.’, not union. Uniting is a process. It is a high energy process and one of intense enthusiasm. Conversely, the word 'union' does not have intense enthusiasm. Union is not a process. The process of Yoga, of uniting, is continuous in life and never ends. Enlightenment is not the end. Enlightenment is the ultimate but it is not final. Yoga is the intense process constantly happening in your Being.'

The entire Nithya Yoga session is practiced with the understanding that we are already in bliss and that it is not some goal to be worked towards. Bliss or Nithyananda is inherently our natural state. Nithyananda goes as far as saying that 'We are already Enlightened! We all just have no idea how to express that energy of Enlightenment. Nithya Yoga is all about expressing our natural state.'

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